Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Third time's the charm!!

So here it is. My third attempt to have my very own blog! I've deleted the first two coz I felt the first one was too personal for public eyes and then realized that the second one was also too personal for public eyes. I dunno...I treat blogs like my own personal diary, writing details of one's life and sharing it with anyone in the world to read is a bit "scary".

You just get carried away sometimes pouring your heart out in blogs not realizing that someone you know might just be reading your blog silently and thinking "Ooooohhhhhh! Macam ni rupa-rupa nyer dia!" :)

So pada cobaan kali ke-3 ini, saya promise untuk cuba tulis benda-benda yang secara relatifnya adalah tidak terlalu personal dan sesuai untuk dikongsi bersama masyarakat setempat.....hehehe!

Boleh ke? Tak tau ler lagi......kita cuba je dulu okay! Kalau jadi lagi.....apa susah kita delete je ler lagi sekali, boleh?! ;P